D a v i d C o r t n e r . c o m
P h o t o g r a p h y e t c
238 Rivercliff Drive
Connellys Springs, NC 28612
Connellys Springs, NC 28612
Robert Wickes
We met Rob when we built a website for his book, The Myth America Pageant, and cemented the relationship when he asked us to design and prepare a camera-ready cover spread. We used stock and original photography to produce an arresting cover in keeping with the themes of his book.
When his second book, The Hornbrook Prophecy, came out, we were delighted when Rob's publishers asked us to design a cover for it, too.
Highland Creek Design provides a web presence for Rob and his two books. When a third comes along, we hope to add that one to our folio, too.
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