P h o t o g r a p h y e t c
Connellys Springs, NC 28612

Books, calendars, discs, posters: all sorts of printed matter...
they're not retro to us. Sometimes you just want to feel paper between your fingers. Sometimes you want to reach the unconnected corners of the world.
As Highland Creek Design and Highland Creek Books we provide print-related project support: anything from original photography and copy editing through printing and online promotion.
We'll work with you and your printer doing as much or as little as you need to insure that yours is a classy, professional publication. Whether it's a novel or a calendar for homeless cats, packaging for a CD or a pictorial showcase, we'll use industry standard tools to help your project along from raw copy to finished product. We live in Adobe InDesign for layout, Photoshop to make sure your images pop, Flash and Dreamweaver to help with promotion.
We can do just the cover art, prepare camera-ready spreads, or deliver a completely typeset, turn-key project tailored to the workflow and technical requirements of the printer of your choice. (We can also find a printer, provide an imprint, an ISBN, list your project with "Books in Print," and help with order fulfilment. Ask.)
We love books and we'd love to help produce yours. Have at look at some examples of the things we do. Introduce yourself, and let's get started.
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